The cog sets are the iconic pieces of the bike on the wheels with all their delicate layers of gears. This video features detailed instructions from a professional bike mechanic on how to install or r ...
Replacing the pads on your bike's brakes is a crucial and reasonably easy part of your bike's maintenance regimen. This video features detailed instructions on how to replace the pads on Avid caliper ...
Hydraulic brakes are the new kid in town in the world of bike brakes, but their simplicity and functionality make them a good choice if you want to upgrade your brakes. This video features a professio ...
If you mountain bike, and are lucky enough to live somewhere that has enough water to support civilization without major civil engineering, then your brake pads are probably going to wear out a lot fa ...
Hayes sole brakes are a very popular type of bike brake. Then, you probably already know that if you are watching this video. It features a professional mountain bike mechanic explaining how to quickl ...
Installing and maintaining properly functioning brakes is one of the most important mechanical parts of keeping your bike working safely. This video features a professional bike mechanic setting up an ...
Using a tubeless tire system on your mountain bike is a great idea. It decreases the number of parts on your bike that can brake, which is good news for any rider. This video features a professional b ...
Being able to stop a mountain bike abruptly is crucial to your continued survival if you ride. SRAM Avid Juicy's are a popular type of high-performance mountain bike brakes. This video will teach you ...
Unlike rear derailleurs, which are very complicated and come in at least two very different styles, front derailleurs are pretty standard across manufacturers. That means you only have to watch this o ...
Back in the day, all mountain bikes had square taper bottom brackets and cranks. Modern bike makers have moved away from this style, but some still prefer it. This video will teach you how to install ...